21 24:05 0% Lecture on Nanomaterials (Graphene, Quantum Dots, Nanotubes) and Polymer Chemistry (Vulcanization)
68K 20:37 94% Application of graphene nanotubes in prevulcanised natural rubber latex (Ranjit Matthan, IRMRA)
94K 16:51 91% High-performance thermoplastics filled with graphene nanotubes (Marco Burth, Lehmann & Voss)
141K 14:35 95% Graphene nanotubes in tires: going beyond existing trade-offs (Jean-Nicolas Helt, OCSiAl)
92K 17:45 96% Graphene nanotubes for high capacity cathode and silicon anodes (Jian Lin, BAK Power Battery)
89K 19:40 91% Application of graphene nanotubes in composite materials (Jim Lin, Zhongshan A&E Machinery Industry)
99K 10:55 97% Graphene nanotubes in polyurethane: property modification and conductivity (Unikom-Service)